
Oracle Database Hardware Resales

Leverage various engineered systems, servers, and storage optimized for performance and ease of management. Achieve cost-savings, high availability, and sustainability with Oracle Database Hardware Resales.


Affordable Route to High Performance

Looking to optimize the performance of your database systems but on a budget? Then Oracle database hardware resale is just the route for you. However, the saturated market will be a challenging place for you to find the perfect systems for you. Astute helps you find the perfect systems for you based on your business requirements.

Performance on a Budget

Looking to extend the capabilities of your Oracle database through Oracle hardware that provides maximum compatibility with the system? Let’s uncover the various Oracle database appliances that will help you achieve your goals one by one.

  • Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance: Achieve superior data protection with Oracle’s Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance. It continually protects databases throughout its lifecycle, accelerates backups by 50x, recoveries by 8x, and protects your data from ransomware attacks.
  • Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance: A high-performance enterprise storage system optimized for Oracle workloads and cloud integration. Run all workloads at peak performance with the help of Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance.
  • Database Appliance: The most accessible solution for small and medium-sized businesses to deploy and manage their databases, applications, and infrastructure. Automate processes within your data systems in lesser downtimes at a lower cost.
  • Engineered Systems: Run mission-critical customer workloads faster at lower costs with Oracle-engineered systems while automating administrative tasks.
  • Oracle Exadata Database Machine: Extract more value from your data with swift transaction processing, analytics, and in-database machine-learning capabilities that improve customer experience and business insights. Simplify your data centers by database consolidation and lower TCO.
  • Oracle Private Cloud Appliance: Leverage a cloud-like environment while complying with data residency requirements with Oracle Private Cloud Appliance.


Fuel to Your Database

From data protection to extending storage, you can fulfill all business goals with the help of Oracle Database Hardware Resales. For any assistance regarding what to sell and what to buy according to your key business concerns, you can reach out to us and our expert team members will give you a clear picture.
Why sell Oracle Database Hardware?
  • Enhancing your ROI: Eliminate the expenses of maintenance, power, and cooling that your organization is no longer actively using. Get the most value out of your hardware by selling.
  • Increase scalability: If you are considering migrating to the cloud and eliminating the need for on-premises hardware altogether, reselling your Oracle database hardware might be a feasible option for you.
  • Minimize environmental impact: Reduce the environmental impact created by running and maintaining unused hardware. There might be various other factors like upgrades, cloud migration, or changing business needs that compel you to resell your database appliances.
Why consider Resold Oracle Database Appliance

On a Budget?
If you are trying to eliminate the significant investments caused by buying Oracle database hardware, look for resold appliances that usually come with major discounts.

High Availability
Resale markets offer access to specific configurations that might be difficult to find otherwise.

Specific configurations needed
Considering database appliances for specific use cases? You might find that resold appliances possess the specific configurations your organization needs.


Facing Challenges?


Despite the numerous benefits of selling and buying resold Oracle Database, finding authentic appliances in the market can be tricky. Here are some challenges that you might face:

Establishing Compatibility:
Ensuring that the resale hardware is compatible with your database version and matches your desired performance requirements can be a cumbersome task.

Warranty and Support
Based on your business requirements, you will have to ascertain whether your resale equipment comes with the warranty and support options your organization needs.

Data security
You will have to ensure that the hardware ensures no security breaches and is securely wiped before integrating with your system.


Astute Can Help

Why face these challenges when you can execute integrating Oracle database Hardware resales with the assistance of well-seasoned and expert professionals from Astute Business Solutions?

We help you ascertain the hardware that you need or don’t need, based on your specific requirements. We help you connect with the most feasible options that promise you maximum advantage.

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