Making A Great User Experience With Peoplesoft Fluid - Gallaudet University

Making A Great User Experience With Peoplesoft Fluid - Gallaudet University

Gallaudet chose Astute Business Solutions as its strategic partner to implement PeopleSoft Fluid for its Campus Solutions applications.


The Challenge


Focus on Core Mission

Faced with business and IT challenges, Gallaudet University was distracted from its core mission which was to serve its student population and its global customers and partners.

  • Deliver new application features to assist students, faculty, and staff
  • Provide the ability to run the application on any device.
  • Provide a simplified UI with analytics

Customized PeopleSoft, Global Footprint, Older Version

Gallaudet was on PeopleTools 8.57, but they had not implemented Fluid features due to resource and time constraints.

  • Still using classic PeopleSoft application features and pages.
  • The superfluous concern of customization
  • Not a single-source access to information through fluid homepages
  • Behind on PeopleSoft application new features
  • No access to simplified UI with analytics.

The Solution

    Gallaudet chose Astute Business Solutions as its strategic partner to implement PeopleSoft Fluid for its Campus Solutions applications. With Astute’s Fluid implementation and rollout methodology, Astute assessed Gallaudet’s needs and designed a solution tailored to its needs which included using both delivered Fluid functionality and also conversion of Classic to Fluid pages. The solution with a phased approach included the following key elements:

    Usage of Astute’s Fluid implementation and rollout methodology to get the Customer up to and running on Fluid with basic Fluid features
    Use Selective Adoption to apply Fluid UI changes
    Customize delivered Fluid UI content
    Conversion of Classic pages to Fluid UI
    Implementing different Fluid features like Navigation collection, Homepages based on Roles, Classic Plus, etc.

    Results Delivered


    Productive Global Team

    After implementing PeopleSoft Fluid, Gallaudet University has realized business benefits across a number of categories.

    Students, Applicants, and Advisors have role-based access to a set of fluid pages through Homepage

    Features implemented - PeopleSoft security for Fluid pages using custom Permission lists

    Benefits - Only the specific pages are accessible to a specific sort of user providing security. Students, Applicants, and Advisors can access only the pages they are authorized to access.

    Ability to run the application on any device - laptop, desktop, mobile phone

    Feature implemented - Fluid mode is enabled in web profiles

    Benefits - Users can now access the application through their mobile devices, laptops, and desktops which makes it easier for them to carry out their activities/transactions with ease and quickly from wherever they are.

    Simplified UI with analytics available

    Features implemented - PeopleSoft Fluid pages with built-in/delivered analytics

    Benefits - Users can now access delivered reports based on their roles/jobs right on their homepage without having to navigate through menus or building custom reports.


    Reduced TCO, Improved Performance, Leading SLA

    Gallaudet is still on PeopleTools 8.57, but they have implemented Fluid features, both delivered and customized to their needs

    Using delivered and customized PeopleSoft application features and pages

    Features implemented - Fluid Homepages and Tiles, Analytics, Fluid pages, Fluid page security

    Seamless classic to Fluid conversion

    Features implemented - Student Health Insurance, GU Parent Access, Buy Health Insurance, Relationships, Personal Details page were converted to Fluid

    Single source access to information through fluid homepages

    Features implemented - Fluid homepages and Tiles for Students, Applicants, and Advisors

    Current with PeopleSoft application new Fluid features
    Access to simplified UI with analytics

    Features implemented - PeopleSoft Fluid pages with built-in/delivered analytics


    A Global Team Serves The Vulnerable and Needy Powered by PeopleSoft on Oracle Cloud


    User Productivity


    Faster Access


    User Experience


    Mobile Device Access


    Learn How You Can Gain the Same Benefits as Gallaudet

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    Scaling New Heights with Cloud Migration

    Want to be one of the thousands benefiting from the Cloud? Here are some business reasons why now is the best time to start a migration of PeopleSoft to Oracle Cloud.

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    Migrate PeopleSoft to Oracle Cloud for Free

    Astute's Zero Cost Migration helps you eliminate financial barriers of moving PeopleSoft to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.



    Usage of Astute’s Fluid implementation and rollout methodology to get the Customer up and running on Fluid with basic Fluid features.

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